2 definitions by I’ll slap the mc-shit outta yo

Wow that girl has a beautiful voice no wonder her mom named her Caliope.
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An amazing human who is very kind and handsome, he is there when you need him and he is very layed back, you can count on him to keep promises and when your down he can make you smile, he can be quite annoying sometimes but his humor and love can make up for it, he’s loyal and he believes that personality is what makes a person truly beautiful, he’s quite and shy at first but once you get to know him you learn that he is quite funny, oblivious, and he is quite dumb at times. Over all he is a good person to have in your life and if you catch a Joel keep him Bc if you don’t you will never meet anyone like him.
Wow that guy is so sweet I see why his mother named him Joel.
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