1040 definitions by Hym Iam

Hym "I sat on the one about Open A.I. for a minute too but ya'll wanted to pretend you aren't worse than a motherfucker that sit and play video games all day posting on UD. Could have cornered the market on the shit. Now everyone has it. You thought you were smart and you're a fucking retard. Enjoy. Enjoy reality. It consists of me being better than everyone, indefinitely. China even got it to now. You're welcome President Pooh. If Jordan wasn't a bitch you wouldn't have that."
by Hym Iam May 21, 2023
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I don't think I should have to say this but... You know I'm not going to be super stoked about a bunch of accidental cults running around and harvesting souls in my name right? Right? Because that would constitute charlatanry and if it isn't ABUNDANTLY CLEAR... I'm against that.
Hym "Hey, and don't go blaming me for accidental cults. Alright? We all know how I feel about charlatanry from watching Lucifer... The show were Lucifer hates sin and that's why he punishes them and is a Sherlock Holmes-esque police consultant show... Which is a thing I wrote about... Entirely coincidental I'm sure... The timelines match up.... Just saying.... But yeah, don't let me be the God of your charlatan religion... Not a great way to die... Not going to be a great thing to wake up to after you die..."
by Hym Iam February 22, 2023
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Justin Roiland ALSO was cancelled over allegations. Allegations that have proven to be false.
Hym "Yet he has yet to be vindicated."
by Hym Iam September 22, 2023
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Hym "You need to brush up on your psychology honey. Or go watch that GQ interview. Violence or the threat of violence undergirds all social interaction (between men). That's the thing the guy you 'love' said. You just admonished a guy for saying what (essentially) amounts to the same thing, dummy! Contemplating violence, insinuating it. All well within the Overton window. You're just side picking! Look at you!"
by Hym Iam July 31, 2022
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Deciders of whether or not life has any value.
Hym "Being mothers and supporting abortion is like being a rape victim and supporting rape. Interestingly enough, there is no internal contradiction for a murderer supporting murder or a liar supporting lying. What else does this apply to... Hmm... Being a therapist and supporting the falsification/creation of mental illness? There's a contradiction there but it's weak... I might be on to something here... An adulterer supporting adultery? No contradiction... Being a police officer and supporting crime.... Contradiction.... A theif supporting theft... No contradiction... A molestation victim supporting pedophilia... Contradiction... Seems like the cardinal sins create no internal contradiction. Looks like that is the difference between a sin and any other ethic. Sin creates no internal contradiction between the act and supporting of the act... A false idol supporting the support of worshiping false idols.... Well... You could argue that a false idol might not want you worshipping other idols... They might want all the worshipers to themselves... Hmm... Maybe I'm a little off... Someone who doesn't keep the Sabbath holy supporting the not keeping of the Sabbath holy? No contradiction... A worshiper of God supporting the worship of other Gods? Maybe... Because from the outside your worshiping the OTHER God... So no contradiction? I don't know..."
by Hym Iam June 1, 2022
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That was her name right? I saw the comment before you deleted it, you know? "You just want to use my information for your videos" You think I didn't read all the comments before I wrote my own? I wonder what she meant. Such an odd thing to say. And why was it deleted? I went to her page. She had a bunch of religious posts. Such a weird thing to watch happen with my very eyes.
Hym "That Melanie is giving you away over there. What'd you think of my place though? Good right? Did it sent a chill down your spine? And it's thematic. Right? Cause of the Greek mythology thing. You know? I thought that was a pretty good one. I've had that one rattling around for a minute. That'll be fun. But, yeah, was she a schizophrenic too? Was she a schizophrenic or was she in on an inside joke that I'm not a part of? Huh? Which is it? By the way, do you really act like an all powerful Being is watching you 24/7 and that it's going to burn your soul forever?"
by Hym Iam June 1, 2022
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No. I'll complain all I want. But hey...
Hym "Stop getting kids murdered. You stop THAT and then I'll just keep doing whatever I feel like doing. Because I've gotten 0 kids murdered. I'm being ignored and am, therefore, not responsible for anything. YOU are being listened to and when YOU are listened to children are murdered in direct response to the things you say."
by Hym Iam September 9, 2023
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