2 definitions by Hoot Hollway

Anatomically- Towards the center of the pelvic area/groin

Behaviorally- Acting like a penis/any part of the male reproductive system
Anatomical: Outside the club, Leon got gatted by De'ion. The shot was just below the belt and groinal. He ain't gonna be ballin no time soon.

Behavioral: Geno was really being a chode. I don't know what burr was in his $%# but he was being really groinal.
by Hoot Hollway August 2, 2009
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A point in time at which all parts of life and all possible choices/options seem like total shit. As if you were standing in front of a buffet where every dish was a different style of shit.
Fried shit, sauteed shit, shit flambee, shit au gratin, shit con carne, shit with hoisin sauce.
I'm late for work because my car won't start, i can't call because my phone is in the house, i locked myself OUT of the house, and nobody is home. Great, now its raining. What a shit buffet.
by Hoot Hollway November 25, 2008
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