5 definitions by HoneyMac

An acronym and a play on words coined by Gabe Cinquepalmi. It combines the acronym "VR" with "art" thus creating the new acronym "VRt"; which states the artistic essense of the virtual reality one can experience - taking the experience from just VR immersion to a true artistic statement.
Oh man, that was VRt!!
by HoneyMac June 5, 2015
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A person recording a video in the hopes of posting it online - and it going viral. Whatever is being recorded is altogether unexceptional - it is the one recording that will act as a catalyst to the extraordinary happening. That very content will range from innocent amusing content, to the malicious intent of incriminating whoever is being filmed; often caught in the heat of the moment - acting in ways they normally wouldn't. The viral baiter will more-often-than-not "bait" by antagonizing, mocking, or ridiculing the subject - all in the hopes to provoke a response. The viral baiter is motivated by views and "likes", and that can run mutually with social justice - to expose imperfection as they see it.
"I know what you're trying to do viral baiter. I'm not falling for your viral bait. Go viral baiting elsewhere!"
by HoneyMac April 26, 2021
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The sticky brown spots on home walls that defy any logical explanation for it's existence. Called "grease" because of it's similar quality to congealed grease around the home stove. Can also be called "wall sap" or "wall sweat" because of how it appears to have oozed from the wall itself.
"Man, I found some wall grease again in my bedroom! Where the fuck is it comin' from?"
by HoneyMac February 12, 2016
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When someone makes an attempt at explaining something intellectually and ends-up sounding like he/she is bullshitting and making things up as they go along; as in the approach and practice of Deepak Chopra, of whom it is named after. The entire episode becomes a confused mess of contradictions, long uncommon words, and defensive jargon to bring validity to points being made, but makes little to no sense at the end.
"Can you believe that fuckin' guy? He was deepaking for like fifteen minutes!"
by HoneyMac January 5, 2016
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Any form of tissue or napkin remains that have stuck onto skin by semen. Also can be used to describe, in a less precise manner, tissue or napkin remains stuck by the means of a sticky liquid or sauce.
"Reginald had semen stickers on his fingers after wiping his dick down with Kleenex."
by HoneyMac November 27, 2012
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