11 definitions by Hobo Destroyer

The syndrome that all men have, that makes them incapable of winning an argument with a women.
"I was about to win my first fight ever with my wife, then my man syndrome kicked in."
by Hobo Destroyer September 30, 2009
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When you say a really funny joke quietly, where only one person hears it. Then the douche bag that heard it says it out loud and gets all the credit.
"Man I just got Douche Joked by Todd."
by Hobo Destroyer September 26, 2009
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Getting a hand job from a cheap hooker in an alley way. Usually behind the dumpster or outside the "EXIT" door of the building you're getting the hand job at.
"Dude I just got Alley Jerked behind that warehouse for only four dollars!"
by Hobo Destroyer September 26, 2009
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It's the look you get when one of your parents walk on you jacking off. You usually stare at them with an open mouth saying "uh," and it's followed by "It's not what it looks like," or "I was just scratching."
"Man I was totally Jack Faced when my mom walked in on me jacking it."
by Hobo Destroyer September 26, 2009
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