5 definitions by Heckin’HeckHeckers

LIGMA ( Lung Inflammation by Gas Molecules Ascending ) is a rare form of BOFA ( Body Oscillation Fatal Area ) which is the process of a specific area contracting and expanding repeatedly causing fatal damage. LIGMA happens in the Lungs. They expand and contract due to many gas particles found in the Sugendese areas of Grabahan. These particles when exposed to high heat areas begin to infuse into the tissue and begin the process. However, a new, very common, mode of transport if these particles in through the retinas. Though a very weak virus, the SUGMA variant of Ligma can come from exposure to intense amounts of Fortnite. This is thought to be the method that popular Twitch streamer Ninja has gone through, and unfortunately, it can be fatal. After hearing that Ninja has died from SUGMA. People across the internet mourn of his passing. Fortnite has gone through many patches and updates to insure SUGMA and possibly LIGMA will stay off servers.
Richard Tyler Blevins, known as popular Twitch streamer Ninja, has passed away from LIGMA.
by Heckin’HeckHeckers August 9, 2018
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UPDOG (Ultimate Paralyzation of Damaged Organ Genetics) is a process in the BOFA (Body Oscillation / Fatal Area) in which DNA is modified into having LIGMA symptoms in the genetics. This is only a stage 1 on the BOFA power level, however a person will suffer from intense addiction to Fortnite, get free Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus, and the ability to gain a free copy of the Save The World mode at birth. Though most of these symptoms sound positive, one negative symptoms will occur, a UPDOG victim will forever stay a virgin. It is unable to change that fact. Some popular examples of people with UPDOG include: TSM_Myth, every 12 year old, Ninja, Runescape players, and most likely you.
Person 1: Updog
Person 2: What’s Updog
Person 1: It’s when you get a free stuff from Epic for having special genes
Person 2: At least I’m not a virgin
by Heckin’HeckHeckers August 10, 2018
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NINGA (Notorious Infiltrating Negging Jump-Root A.I) is an artificial intelligence that is tasked with sending the LIGMA virus (Lung Inflammation -by- Gas Molecules Ascending) into the mass of the mainstream media. Since his rise in the Twitch community, the developers of NINGA (Epic Games) has taken his simple programming language into massive effect in the summer of 2018. It wasn't revealed that the NINJA A.I had such bad intentions until then. When a user revealed his plan to spread a virus named LIGMA (the name was given by the user, the developer didn't actually name the virus LIGMA). Since its discovery, taxonomists classify the virus under the BOFA variant and named the method used by Epic Games as SUGMA. Epic Games have made many revisions to NINJA's code, such as making a swear firewall, automatic removal of hate, and negging increase. Though NINJA may be the first, he is not the only A.I Epic Games have programmed. ALI-A (Analysis Lucrative Infection - A.I) has been tasked to see how the internet would react to the LIGMA virus to be revealed without a name or a description. TSM_MYTH, (Malicious Youtube Twitch Host) is the A.I. programmed to see what would happen if a LIGMA host was accepted by the community. NINJA has admitted on a Wired video that he has a double, without evil intent, and that his double is actually the one streaming (since NINJA is an A.I.)
Person 1: I just watched Ninja, he is so good at Fortnite. The other day on his stream he hit this epic scar sho...
Person 2: You have been infected by NINJA. You have the disease.
by Heckin’HeckHeckers December 29, 2018
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Character in the hit anime “Adventure of Memes”. First appeared in season 2018 but expected to be killed off in season 2019 by the meme lord “PewDiePie” with his ultimate power of 👏👏. He is often portrayed as ruthless and unforgivable unless his ultimate rival “No u” is nearby.
He and “No u” have had to the biggest rivalry in the anime since Ricegum and Jake Paul, both of whom died in the earlier episodes of the season. They both are equally powerful.
Person 1: “Ur Mom Gay”
Person 2: “No u
by Heckin’HeckHeckers June 29, 2018
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Heckers is used as an exclaimation. It can replace heck, frick, and dang. It is also used to describe an unfavorable person.
1. Mark shoots a hoop and it misses
Mark: Heckers!
2. Tommy eats Mark’s lunch
Mark: You Hecker!
by Heckin’HeckHeckers June 3, 2018
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