1 definition by Heathumss

A skinny female who is objectified by her more obese female friends. One usually gets called a skinny bitch out of jealousy by her fat friends or other random fat females. Especially when the said skinny female talks about eating healthy or working out.
Skinny female: " Id really like to start working out!"
Fat female co-worker : " Why do you need to work out, you're already a skinny bitch!"
Skinny female: " Im aware Im skinny but I need to keep up with my cardio. And gain more muscle mass"

Skinny female: "I can't wait to go see Katt Perry tonight! You wanna try to get past security and get her autograph?"

Fat friend " Yeah maybe if I was a skinny bitch like you, I'd be able to!"
by Heathumss September 3, 2017
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