56 definitions by Harry69

Some one who follows a big name sporting team only because that team does so well they have no connection or loyalty to that team nor do they reside or come from that teams local area
Fake fan:"I follow Manchester united"

Guy:"Oh who's your favorite player"?

Fake fan:"Uhm Ronaldo"

Guy :"Ronaldo hasn't played for United for 3 years now you idiot"

Fake fan:"Oh that other guy then Giggs"

Guy :(Thinks to himself) "fake fan" doesn't know nothing about the team he claims to support
by Harry69 May 30, 2011
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Some-one who copies you in everything you do like copies your dress sense(fashion) your sense of humour(Steals your jokes) Steals your pick up lines and one worders,Then they act like they didn't copy you or steal your style and personality but to you and others it is so obvious
"Look at her she's such a copycat she copied that word of me that was my word then she is going around saying it all the time & acting like she was the one made it up she's taking the credit for my word that friggin copycat"

"She stole my joke that stupid copycat"

"Look at that copycat what he is wearing it's like he so wants to be me, get your own style and fashion you copycat"

Guy1:"I shaved my head last week then this week he has shaved his"

Guy2:"He's such a copycat it's so obvious he wants to be like you"
by Harry69 January 16, 2011
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Term used to describe filipinos living in Australia
"Is that chick Vietnamese or Chinese" "Na dude she's Filo"

"I feel like some filo food tonight"
by Harry69 November 12, 2009
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Word used to describe people of Lebanese background in Australia or anyone with black hair and olive skin who wears a white nike hat nike tn shoes and a lonsdale singlet
"Why are lebs always wearing Tn's and Lonsdale clothing"

Guy:"My mate was gang bashed last night"

other guy": "Bloody lebs"
by Harry69 November 12, 2009
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Term used in Australia to describe someone of Lebanese heritage, Also used as a derogatory term by racists to describe a Lebanese person,
Are you leb? Yes I'm Lebanese

"Dumb lebs took 15 of the pussies to get me down I still got up & laughed at them"
by Harry69 June 29, 2009
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British slang word to describe a stupid person or some-one you dislike
"You lookin at me you flippin mug?

"Gamblings a mugs game"

"They are all a bunch of mugs"
by Harry69 November 12, 2009
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Some one who comes from a rich or upper class working class neighbourhood listens to rap music wears hip hop style clothing throws up gang signs and just thinks they are top G's in general
Stop throwing up gang signs and then posting the photos on your facebook trying to make everyone think you are gangster people laugh at you and think "wannabe gangster

Dude your from the rich part of the suburbs stop throwing up gang signs and thinking you all gangster,Real gangsters are the likes of the mafia,Wannabe Gangster
by Harry69 March 14, 2011
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