3 definitions by Haricot Verte

To sit in the corner and watch quietly while someone else gets screwed.
My boss was totally screwing me over because Nancy didn't finish her part of the report, and she just sat there Falwelling the whole thing.
by Haricot Verte August 25, 2020
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when co-workers shout out answers/suggestions from their cubicles in response to a question you've asked a single person.
I asked my supervisor how to resolve this issue, and he didn't really know, but I got this great cube-sourced resolution from my co-workers.

by Haricot Verte April 10, 2009
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Parenting skills or knowledge exhibited by a father, usually above and beyond the usual expectations.
In the airport, I used my daddyfu to get her to calm down and fall asleep.
by Haricot Verte May 3, 2006
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