1 definition by HappySadDepressedMadFriendlyJo

A word of absolute sophistication, and wit, this word has astounded many and is far better as a conversation starter more than any other word in existence. Enough with the banter, this word is used in formal and informal chats around the world, and can be quite funny if used in the correct context. A sort of feel it out kind of word for the people who can take a challenge. While challenging to get around this word is truly beautiful in ways that may astound the common ear, as well as a variety of senses. While more commonly used in formal manners, this is a very intuitive word which can flex around all barriers of social standing as well as personal preferences.

Simply put this word is an absolute necessity for any well placed repartee between two acquaintances and while better or less friends in which you enjoy having a jauntily interaction.
Acquaintance - Hey what's up
You - Nothing just kinda feeling a little ga vroom vroom
*Everyone who overheard silently agrees*
Acquaintance - Yeah I get it those days when your feeling ga vroom vroom are pretty interesting
by HappySadDepressedMadFriendlyJo January 18, 2020
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