2 definitions by Hackle

A female of the human species that induges on bacardi limon, and can be frequently seen in bars all over the place, with hackle and Mr. Megan. Flappies are a wiley bunch, they generally have this interesting mating look that they do when they spy and interesting mate at the bar, it involves lip biting. Flappies are notorious for not being able to keep good tires on a vechicle, and also are poor at financing. Flappies on the other side however are generally very fun loving and good natured. It is very hard to torment a flappy to the point at which it will lash out against you. I invite you all the people of the world to join together for a common good... now go get yourself some flappies!! 2 for 1 sale this week!!
by Hackle September 6, 2006
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