7 definitions by Grue_Feathermoon

The history of the word she:

First there was the word "he" without the word "she" being invented yet.

The manly banter back and forth eventually turned into labeling their penises as the sword and the women as the sheath for their sword.

"She" was The logical choice to refer to women.
Man my sword is heavy I wish I could put it in my sheath. Walking with it out all the time and ready sure does put a strain on your arm.

I know which sheath I want to put my sword into.. did you see Sabrina at the tavern last night? That's my sheath tonight!
She's good enough for my sword!
by Grue_Feathermoon November 16, 2022
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-1 A fun way for a woman to tease a man she had a child with.
-2 A female astronaut who has had an abortion.
"Honey we need to talk." she said to her husband.

He knew this was going to be serious when she said things like that. "Yes dear what is it?"
She looked like she was about to cry, "I'm prego!" she paused to see the look on his face.
His face grew excited and happy. She quickly continued saying, "Naught!"
His shock turned to horror as he realized she had killed his unborn child.

Answer: pregonaught

Question: What do you call a woman in space who had an abortion?
by Grue_Feathermoon January 8, 2022
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In a social narrative:

The opposite of Apex-predator= A predator who is at the top of (any social narrative) who cannot be preyed upon by any other person.

Apex victim= A victim at the bottom of (any social narrative) who cannot not victimize anyone else.

-Victimized people can often think they are the Apex victim; No one can claim to be more of a victim than they are or else they will bully others until recognized as such. The victim creates more Victims.

-There is a possibility that any person can become a predator and/or prey.

Likewise any person can become a victim and/or an abuser.

Some people think they are the apex victims, but they just bully others around until they get what they want.
Tom Tells Jim his sad story but before he can get it all out Jim one-ups him claiming he's the Apex Victim.

John 8:7,
7-`He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
9-"And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst."
10-`he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11-"She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
by Grue_Feathermoon December 3, 2021
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Time is simply the way we measure the length of an event.

This is why it is relative, relative to what we are paying attention to. This is why Time Flies when you're having fun/Paying attention to that event.

To be accurate in measuring anything you need not only the length, but the width and height of the form. The three lines intersect to map out any point in our three dimensional universe. These are the many other sides to the sphere of existence and the body of the universe.
Time is relative to the event you are paying attention to. It is the event itself that is important not merely it's measuring tool.
by Grue_Feathermoon January 30, 2018
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Gravity is caused by Energy Displacement.

When Matter is Dense enough it Displaces (Space/Dark Energy/E'ther)This Displacement pushes back upon the matter causing a cascading effect known as Gravity. Gravity is therefore a push not a pull. Gravity causes friction and it is friction that causes electromagnetism. Space is Dark Energy, is E'ther, is un-displaced Gravity. It is this E'ther that, when displaced, creates Gravity. Learn to Manipulate the E'ther and you can manipulate Gravity, Travel faster than light, and solidify energy into solid designs.
The way we think of Gravity today doesn't conform to the standard scientific model of the universe that all things must come from something else and that all things are interchangeable in a cycle of existence and life. If you want to understand the wind look at the things it effects; So too if you want to understand Gravity look at the things it effects, which is everything. Picture Gravity as a Giant ocean of energy that all things swim in and you will understand it.
by Grue_Feathermoon January 30, 2018
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Gravity is the result of Energy Displacement by Matter.

When Matter is large, or dense, enough it displaces space/Dark Energy/what was once known as, E'ther, the energy that is "other" than Solid, liquid, or gas(all of which are interchangeable.)

This E'ther/Dark Energy/Space fills the Universe as a giant ocean all things swim in.

The E'ther is the medium for all things such as light and it is the origin of gravity.
E'ther is un-displaced gravity. Because all things must have an origin and medium. There is no such thing as nothing or something coming from nothing. Nothing is just a placeholder for something we have yet to measure.
Gravity Creates friction, friction creates electromagnetism not the other way around. Gravity is a push not a pull.
Learn to manipulate the E'ther and you can manipulate gravity and create it.
First learn to track and map energy frequencies. The four states of energy are solids, liquids, gasses, and Energy that is other, E'ther. Each has a design, a frequency that can be defined and mapped. Learn to solidify energy into it's denser forms and you can create that design. Master manipulating E'ther/Gravity, which is the medium for light, and you can travel faster than light. Space travel and Flying vehicles can be common place. Test it and see.
Gravity is the result of Energy Displacement by Matter. Space is energy that is being displaced by matter causing a cascading effect we call gravity.
by Grue_Feathermoon January 30, 2018
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To MEASURE, is to compare (what you know) to (what you want to know). You need to know something first in order to compare it with something else. The only thing you can know first had is yourself. This is why they say to "know yourself" so you can measure / compare the rest of reality and make good choices on a conscious level. You are the literal "ruler" by which everything else you learn is measured with.
If you want to know how everything that exists works you must first know yourself as completely as you can. The more you know yourself and how you work the more you can know anything and everything else.

Measuring Units In Folklore And History:
In the biblical story of Noah, the ark was supposed to be 300 cubits long and 30 cubits high. Like all early units of size, the cubit was based on the always-handy human body, and was most likely the length of a man's forearm from elbow to fingertip. You could measure a board, for example, by laying your forearm down successively along its length. In the Middle Ages, the inch is reputed to have been the length of a medieval king's first thumb joint. The yard was once defined as the distance between the nose of England's King Henry I and the tip of his outstretched middle finger. The origin of the foot as a unit of measurement is obvious.
by Grue_Feathermoon November 30, 2021
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