2 definitions by Goldfish Potato

An outgoing girl with an open mind. She tends to be a little bipolar, so sometime you gotta let her have her way. But when she truly cares about someone, she stands her ground and stick with them through the thick and thin. This name is pretty exotic so sometimes people mispronounce her name. But she forgives them, of course.
You know Jinyi?
Jinyi? You mean that quirky girl that wears spectacles and dances around to make other people laugh? Of course! She's my best friend!
by Goldfish Potato December 26, 2016
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She's basically edgelord ™ who will secretly judge the shit out of you. She also has a babyface and looks like a hamster. Also she's so quirky she might be the next Emma Chamberlain. :D
by Goldfish Potato November 29, 2018
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