2 definitions by Godster

Invitation to a zoom session. Often causing recipients to grind teeth and consume their week's rationed supply of wine (or other medicinal coping therapeutic regime) in less than 20 minutes.
Precursor to a Zinfight.
I'm sending you thru a Zinvite. ... Wait, it's bounced back. It says you have changed your email address. And that that email address is no longer valid. And that you never worked at that company. And that that company never existed.
by Godster July 20, 2020
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A budget - typically written after the fact to reflect actual income and expenses - but passed off as a legit financial forecasting tool. Coincidentally always come out in the black!
Hmm, Jones, you have wildly, irresponsibly, fragrantly blown your budget. You're fired. Now, Smythfields, let's have a look at your Fudget. Hmm. Hmm. Yes, I see. All looks amazingly on track. Well done. Keep up the good wor - I say, Smythfields, why is the Tax Office breaking into your office and seizing all your files...?
by Godster February 6, 2020
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