3 definitions by GodBroccoli11

To review and rate another’s thighs, typically a female’s. The better the thighs, the higher the rating. Factors to account for when viewing thighs varies from person to person, but is typically and mainly based on thiccness, texture/appearance, and shape.

“Just as I thought before, or even better, your thighs are very thicc and succulent looking. Honestly nice, round, and smooth thighs like those are the *best* kind of thighs. But on top of that your thighs are accompanied by thigh highs. They rival anime thighs, and anime thighs are usually drawn to perfection. Your thighs get a solid 9/10. Your thighs could only be made better if they were accompanied by black thigh highs. Then they would be as good as some of the best anime thighs. I’m not simping, but your thighs are damn fine. Your thighs have the perfect thiccness to choke/strangle a man. They look like they would be smooth and soft to the touch. The texture of how thighs *look* is an important part. Just as one would not eat a disgusting looking meal that tastes amazing, I would not want thighs that have all the perfect qualities but look terrible. Your thighs, however, look clear and delicious. One other thing; thicc thighs that are caused from being overweight aren’t attractive in the slightest. Judging from the top picture though, I can say that is not why your thighs are thicc, as you seem to have a slim waist; so that just makes the thiccness better than your average thigh. Actually, you know what? I didn’t account for how the thighs’ achieved thicc in my initial critique, so I’ll reevaluate the rating to a 9.3/10. The thighs are the best thighs someone could have.

This has been GodBroccoli11’s thigh review, thanks for your time. And for your thighs.”
by GodBroccoli11 April 14, 2020
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by GodBroccoli11 October 15, 2019
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The day gods are born, it’s said men born on this day have the largest schlongs known to man.
Guy: I was born on July 1st
Girl: Please take my virginity almighty one
by GodBroccoli11 October 15, 2019
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