3 definitions by Glitterbugvins

When you add your friend's Instagram story to your Instagram story, and your friend adds your Instagram-story-addition to their Instagram story, creating a possible infinite loop of Instagram stories.
Man, this chick's instaception is messing with me--I don't know whose story this is anymore!
by Glitterbugvins January 2, 2019
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To glitterpate is to launch an aesthetic visual attack with glitter as the main ammunition. Has the Stockholm syndrome- like effect on victims, where they actually begin to enjoy the presence of glitter.
We entered the strip club, and man...were we glitterpated or what?
by Glitterbugvins October 23, 2011
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The sudden need to abstain from sex due to some mojo killing incident/person/thing.

First known usage by Mac from Veronica Mars.
We were about to get it on when he mispronounced my name, and my libi don't kicked in.
by Glitterbugvins October 15, 2011
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