1 definition by Glay Fan

Glay is one of the best, if not THE best, Japanese rock bands ever and it is composed by Takuro (founder and guitarist), Teru (singer), Hisashi (guitarist), and Jiro (bass player).

The name 'GLAY' originated from the English word 'GRAY' (since R sounds like L on Japanese) and gray because their music is a mixture of white/pop and black/heavy rock. Glay's songs are a mixture of pop and rock music and they range from beautiful ballads to hard rock songs. Takuro, founder and band leader who writes most of Glay's songs and music, is a big Beatles fan, so you can hear influences from English bands as well as American rock bands on their music. Teru's amazing voice also plays a very important role on Glay's music style.
Glay owns!
by Glay Fan January 1, 2004
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