4 definitions by Gio The Great

The act of trying to take a shit but taking a piss instead.
I went to take a shiz but nothing came out and I wized instead. You can say it was a shizwiz.
by Gio The Great January 28, 2014
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Dude, I was holding my shit and went to take a shower but I totally showtered. There was shit everywhere!
by Gio The Great June 21, 2015
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The act of craving sushi so much that when you fun at eat it, your nipples start lactating and you jizz in your pants.
Dude, it's been so long that I've had sushi that I'm going to have a sushgasm when we go to Love Boat later.
by Gio The Great March 30, 2015
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Noun. The process of a girl breaking up with her boyfriend and then whoring it up but then feeling bad about being a whore and getting a new boyfriend and then breaking up with that boyfriend to start whoring again.
Ever since high school, Kaila has been in a continuous whore-cycle. Lately though she has been a whore.

Nicole and Robert seem really happy together but who knows when the next whore-cycle will begin again
by Gio The Great June 13, 2015
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