2 definitions by Gerald789

(1) To intentionally copulate a member of the opposite sex who is both married and obese without expectation of reciprocation.

(2) To disprove a suspected prinny or flatspot.
"Dude what happened last night with that married cow you brought over?"

"Oh, nothing really. We hung out for a while, I made sure she was satisfied, and we went to sleep."

"Oh man! You FWPed the shit out of her!!"
by Gerald789 January 13, 2009
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(1) The state in which one finds himself after an period of intense, protracted drunkenness, often characterized by multiple days and nights without eating or sleeping indoors;

(2) A condition of inebriation only ever reached by American screen actor Nick Nolte, as depicted in the timeless "Nick Nolte Mug Shot" of September 11, 2002;

(3) To be crunked while coated with a thick layer of duckbutter.
"Dude -- Happy Birthday!! Do you want to do some shot-skis!!??"

"Oh my God dude, Yes! The last time I did those I woke up totally NOLTE in the alley the next day, completely naked!"

"So I heard you guys took a trip last year to Vegas!?"

"Oh my God, it was Nolte from the beginning!!?"

"How did last night wind up??!"

"No idea dude. I was Nolte from dinner on!! I just remember waking up on the couch completely naked, with no idea what time or day it was!"
by Gerald789 February 14, 2009
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