69 definitions by Gary Coleman IV

A gangster that acts completely different around a girl he likes and turns into a teddy bear.
Man, that kid peter is really acting like a gangstabear.
by Gary Coleman IV June 15, 2008
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Where someone with a very wide cock induces anal penetration and the receiver's skin tears around the asshole.
Peter had a pretty large asshole tear. I'm not sure if it will heal this time.
by Gary Coleman IV June 18, 2008
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A large erection that is erected out of snow. It is usually about 6 feet tall.
That snow penis we made yesterday sure does trump the last one we did.
by Gary Coleman IV June 18, 2008
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A series of events where a bunch of girls bend over in really tight shorts. In most cases, they are usually horny athletes.
God, volleyball is the best sport ever.
by Gary Coleman IV June 18, 2008
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a massively bad thing where someones special area is hurt in the process
Him falling onto that pole was a major cocktastrophy.
by Gary Coleman IV July 11, 2008
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The act of inserting foodstuffs into the anal cavity, as means of eating.
Did you know Randy practices introretrogestion now? I saw him get a whole turkey in there!
by Gary Coleman IV June 17, 2008
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A word on urbandictionary.com that has been defined too many times.
Dang, ass is a really overdefined word.
by Gary Coleman IV June 15, 2008
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