2 definitions by Fupa Gile

A tool for probie firefighters to find on the fire truck. This pretend tool can also be used for plumbers, electricians, and builders. This tool gets the Probie or newbie out of the way for a few hours and it is funny when they ask others where the Douche Cock is.
hey i sent the new guy off for the DOUCHE COCK. But there no such thing as a Douche cock. "Yes But he doesn't know this."
by Fupa Gile March 20, 2007
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The art of purging ones stomach at a party when there is too much alcoholic fluid in the stomach. This is usually fallowed By consuming more alcohol. to replace the alcohol that was in the stomach cavity. This will most likely impress the ladies.
At a party I had to pull the trigger to make room for the 4 beer funnel that i was about to do. After pulling the trigger and making the girls sick i did the 4 beers through the funnel
by Fupa Gile March 15, 2007
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