1 definition by Fun_Sponge

The ultimate HBIC.

Each time Adam sings, an angel has an orgasm. His vocals are top notch, and he has a ridiculous vocal range. Adam loves putting on a show, and that means lights, fog, glitter, lots of gyrating, guyliner, black nail polish, costumes, and other glam furnishings. The fact that he is gay is the least shocking thing about him. Basically, you wish you were as fly as this motherfucker.

On American Idol Season 8 he had a string of memorable (to say the least) performances, including Ring of Fire, Mad World, and Whole Lotta Love. He made American Idol his bitch. He also became part of the bromance of the century, Kradam.

When it comes to the Idol Tour 2009, people lost their shit when he came on stage, and critics sucked his glittery dick. People go absolutely batshit crazy over this guy; some even begin to question their sexuality, hence, the term "Adamgasm."

There are some haters. All of their arguments are invalid. Besides, Adam welcomes haters. He believes that good art causes strong reactions, whether they be positive or negative.

Adam is a "glittery alien from Planet Fierce."
"I'm going to put glitter on my eyelids, bitch," says Adam Lambert.
by Fun_Sponge July 19, 2009
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