49 definitions by Four Loko Frat Guy

A term used to describe a car with mechanical problems that is not worth fixing because repairs will cost more than what the car is worth.
My Volvo needs a new engine for $15k but the car is only worth $10k. I’m junking it, it’s mechanically totaled
by Four Loko Frat Guy October 10, 2023
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A medical marijuana card. Often used to refer to a medical marijuana card that is obtained solely for the purpose of obtaining recreational marijuana if you are under 21 or live in a medical only state. A med card may be obtained by claiming to have anxiety, trouble sleeping, and similar conditions.
I told the doctor that I was getting anxious and he gave me a med card. Let's go smoke!
by Four Loko Frat Guy October 5, 2023
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A nickname for Toyota. Toyota cars are known to be inexpensive to buy and maintain, but you get what you pay for. Toyotas handle poorly and are slow, hence the name Slowyota.
My Slowyota can barely get up to freeway speeds. I’m thinking of selling it and buying a German car.
by Four Loko Frat Guy August 7, 2023
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The act of ordering food on Doordash or similar delivery apps while drunk.
Hailey: Let's get food!
Shelby: I am SO WASTED!

Hailey: I'll just DrunkDash us some drunk food then.
by Four Loko Frat Guy December 14, 2022
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Drinking a shot of liquor without a mixer or chaser. Only experienced drinkers can take shots this way.
Hailey: *takes a shot of vodka*
Ashley: You just took that shot no mix no chase? Wow, you're a party animal!
Hailey: Let's get drunk!
by Four Loko Frat Guy December 19, 2022
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A college student that only got admitted thanks to affirmative action. These students don't care about their grades, sell drugs at parties, and act obnoxiously.
That Affirmative Actioner is so annoying and won't stop playing rap music in the library when we're trying to study.
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 10, 2022
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A motorized bicycle powered by an electric motor and a battery. They are hated by cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers alike. Cyclists hate e-bikes because they see it as cheating. Pedestrians hate e-bikes because their speed makes them hazardous. Drivers hate e-bikes because they feel like they have the right to ride in the middle of the car lane. Essentially, everybody hates e-bikes.
Someone riding an e-bike hit two pedestrians and fled the scene. Police responded and arrested the e-bike rider for hit and run causing injury.
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 1, 2022
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