36 definitions by Fotofly

1. when someone with a microphone hijacks the peace and quiet of a public space with unwanted, unintelligible, or superfluous information.
I finally got settled in my seat in the back of the plane. I pulled out my book and began to get back into the complex and entertaining storyline. That is when the "speakulation" began spewing out of the speaker above my head. The flight attendant, then the pilot, then the flight attendant again, over and over every thirty seconds for most of the flight, I was bombarded with unintelligible, and unwanted information that actually hurt my ears to listen to.
by Fotofly November 24, 2010
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1. whenever women who work together decide they should go drinking together. Usually it is right after work and usually there are margaritas involved. It almost always ends in pregnancy, divorce, herpes, deportation and or D.U.I.
After the pheromone factory closed for the day, Tammy and her five female co-workers hooked up at Paco's Taco Shack in Houston to catch the "lush hour" specials. Twenty years later in a Mexican prison Tammy reflectedon that night, "yeah probably should have just gone home instead".
by Fotofly November 25, 2010
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1. a man who carries his wife's purse, lipstick, keys, sunglasses, furniture, luggage, pianos, etc.
She really didn't want to carry a purse around all day, so she made her "shurpa" wear cargo pants, then she filled his pockets with her stuff.
by Fotofly November 26, 2010
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1. an extremely long pause during a public announcement over an intercom, where the microphone is still keyed and making static noise, indicating a brain fart by the person making the announcement.
Bruce was very nervous on his first day as a stewardess. While making the the safety announcement, he slipped into an "intercoma" in the middle of explaining the oxygen masks.

For nearly thirty seconds, the microphone hissed in the passenger's ears until he regained his train of thought.
by Fotofly November 24, 2010
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1.the ridiculously low salary that airline First Officers are paid.

2.the ridiculously small penis size of Airline Executives.
1. Our airline's policy states that your "cockpittance" (food stamps) are not be used at the grocery store while wearing your First Officer uniform (it makes the airline look cheap).

2. The Director of Operations at XYZ airlines was hung like a peanut, he was endowed with a mere "cockpittance" and treated pilots like crap to compensate.
by Fotofly November 23, 2010
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state of mind after losing one's life savings in the stock market and or real estate.
In 2008, I went "investmental" and shot a bunch of Hedge Fund Managers and Stock Brokers with a high powered rifle, it was quite therapeutic.
by Fotofly November 23, 2010
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1. a reclusive, rural, mountain man who lives in the wilderness, and makes moonshine for a living.

2. a stillborn billy goat
The history of Nascar can be traced back to a backwoods "stillbilly" named Jed, who made and smuggled White Lightning Moonshine in a fast car.
by Fotofly November 27, 2010
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