1 definition by Forbears.Io

Mansier is a surname originated from France. It is the 893,754th
Most Common
surname in the World. Statistics show that approximately 300 people bear this surname
In the year 2014 it was reported 177 people born in France had the surname Mansier on birth records, 93 in the Netherlands, 26 in the United States, 17 in the United Kingdom, 3 in Australia, 1 in Morocco and 1 in Spain.
The surname Mansier is pronounced as Man-SEE-UGH.
You would say Mansier if you are saying someones full name or referring to them by their last name, for instance like you would talk about the famous Ronaldo, if you was talking about a popular footballer that had the surname Mansier it would go like: Person 1. Did you see Mansier play last night against PSG? He was fire! Person 2: No I didn't, can you show me the replays?
by Forbears.Io April 4, 2021
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