3 definitions by FinalHazard

Heartless are interesting creatures. Created from the bodies of those who have lost their hearts, they have one purpose: to destroy the gate to Kingdom Hearts, thus overflowing the Four Planes of Existance with Heartless. The Heartless come in many varieties, but are most commonly seen as Shadow-types.
"Those without hearts... I shall call them Heartless." -Ansem
by FinalHazard March 31, 2004
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A Keyblade is essentially a giant key-like weapon. It can be used in many ways, like to seal the Keyholes of each world or to be used as a weapon. There are many people who wield Keyblades, but only Keyblade Masters, like Sora or the Unknowns from Kingdom Hearts 2, can use the Keyblades to their full potential.
"So, this thing is called a Keyblade..." -Riku
by FinalHazard March 31, 2004
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A breed of organic life, the X Parasites are the most dangerous species of sentient life in the universe. They can infest themselves in a host body, thereby creating them a new body to live in.
by FinalHazard April 26, 2004
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