3 definitions by FckLoveLiveLife

A very pretty outgoing girl. She doesn't let anything get in her way and is very independent. A smart person who has a great personality. Is a good person to hang out with and nice when you get to know her. If you get on her darkside she can turn into a bitch! Very kind person and always tries to find the good side in every bad situation. Great person to talk to and is very honest. She gives really good advice. A person who likes to try new things even if they can be crazy. Very creative and funny and is loved by many.
i wish i was a Tina.
by FckLoveLiveLife January 8, 2012
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Very buff and attractive BUT is a major player! tries to get with ever girl and flirts with them. He has many tricks to get them and is a good liar! He can make you feel like the luckiest girl in the world but can easily replace you in seconds. He makes you fall in love with him in seconds but you shouldnt trust him. He is very sweet and kind but dont forget he is hot and dangerous!
girl-damn he's fine! what's his name?
girl 2-you don't want to get with him, he's hakim.
by FckLoveLiveLife January 8, 2012
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A very fun person to hang out with and is very samrt! Real nice when you get to know her BUT don't get on her bad side. She can be a real bitch if you do. Very energetic and if funny. A beautiful person who is outgoing and doesnt let nothing get in her way. A person who is loved by lots and is hated by many. She has a wonderful presonality and is a great friend anybody would want to have!
by FckLoveLiveLife January 8, 2012
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