1 definition by Fats A.

When someone of pakistani, indian, nepali or sri lankan descent beats someone at a game or when you prove someone wrong in an argument, its as if you smugly handed them a big bowl of curry.
Ben: Hey thats the cornflakes chicken in the Geico commercial
Fatima: No that's the chicken from Looney Tunes
Ben: No Way! Ill bet you 10 beers that's the cornflakes chicken
Fatima: Deal

(1 day later when the chicken does turn out to be Foghorn Leghorn from Looney Tunes)

Fatima: You just got Curried! Pay up with 5 beers and 2 scoops of icecream!
Ben: Why am I such a dope?
by Fats A. June 14, 2011
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