2 definitions by Faded

When you are too drunk that you are past the drunk phase
I got two floans, one for the plug and one for the load.
by Faded July 26, 2017
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The American equivalent of a chav, usu. seen in Midtown Atlanta. A disgrace to the caucasians present in the area, they are easilly identified by their rusty Volvos,pseudo-ghetto speech with an atrocious drawl, and the ripped-off mainstream rap (I.e:Yup in my polo) WTF indeed.
1) Eh, fuckin C-side nacker shit.
2) "Yup in my polo"
3) Damn, those crackersiders look hard, driving Mommy's car and blowing the trust fund.
4) Stop posing, you damn crackersider!
by Faded February 9, 2007
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