2 definitions by FUCKERNST&YOUNG

Noun: A slang term used by corporate america to refer to a note taker aka punk-ass bitch. This term is often used to dupe an unsuspecting victim into a task which is incredibly boring and could be completed by a tape recorder and a secretary. Typically used by upper management right before meetings to people in lower ranks.
"Hey Johnny, do you want to come to our quarterly sales meeting tomorrow?"

- "Gee, oh really? I'd LOVE to"

"Great, bring a pen and paper, we could really use you as a scribe."

- "Man, fuck you, I ain't no goddamn bitch-ass note taker"
by FUCKERNST&YOUNG April 20, 2010
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A ginger with no talent who throws blue corn and ancho chile powder on EVERYTHING to make it tex mex. The ultimate in Douchbag-dom.
Example: "Hey guys, I made sure the teacher didn't forget to give us homework tonight. You guys should come over and I'll make some blue corn enchilidas with ancho chiles."

"Wow, Todd's really being a Bobby Flay right now"
by FUCKERNST&YOUNG May 1, 2009
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