4 definitions by EurypTrey

A species of prehistoric shark that could reach lengths of 15.3-18 meters and weigh up to 50 tons. Megalodon is a member of the genus Carcharocles and a member of the family Otodontidae. Its teeth were 7 inches long and it had a bite force stronger than a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Megalodons bite force was probably the strongest of any animal!
Person: That's a weird-looking rock.
Other person: That's not a rock, that's a megalodon tooth.
by EurypTrey April 21, 2020
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Some guy who likes to draw, animate, and cry. He loves sharks, his pet fish, and interested in Paleontology. That guy is me.
censored friend name: To be honest, I don't feel comfortable near you, Trey.
Trey: I don't feel comfortable near me either.
by EurypTrey May 12, 2020
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