4 definitions by Eric T

Golden staph caught from filthy hands of staff who refuse to wash and therefore since the bug is caught from the hospital it is a nosocomial infection
by Eric T February 6, 2007
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Ridiculously Irrational

Another term that originated in Creston, Iowa. (see: nelphie) Something you call your friends when they're being lame and nerdy, and don't want to go out and have fun. Instead of taking a shower and leaving the house, a Cheese Girl will sit around in a wifebeater and boxers all day, playing rpg videogames and watching episodes of Friends on dvd with the shades drawn and lights off at 2 in the afternoon. When they pair up, one Cheese Girl will watch the other play videogames for hours, only stopping to talk about games or go to sleep. If at any time you mention sports, or interacting with public, the Cheese Girl will become defensive and spiteful, calling you stupid for suggesting something so bizarre.

Variants: Cheese Gay, Cheese Face, Cheese Ball, Cheese Nerd, Cheese Whore, ...
Guy 1: Hey man you wanna go to that party tonight?
Guy 2: No why would I? I gotta beat this quest on Oblivion.
Guy 1: You're a cheese girl.
by Eric T February 16, 2007
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Ridiculously Irrational

Another term that originated in Creston, Iowa. (see: nelphie) Something you call your friends when they're being lame and nerdy, and don't want to go out and have fun. Instead of taking a shower and leaving the house, a Cheese Girl will sit around in a wifebeater and boxers all day, playing rpg videogames and watching episodes of Friends on dvd with the shades drawn and lights off at 2 in the afternoon. When they pair up, one Cheese Girl will watch the other play videogames for hours, only stopping to talk about games or go to sleep. If at any time you mention sports, or interacting with public, the Cheese Girl will become defensive and spiteful, calling you stupid for suggesting something so bizarre.

Variants: Cheese Gay, Cheese Face, Cheese Ball, Cheese Nerd, Cheese Whore, ...
Guy 1: Hey man you wanna go to that party tonight?
Guy 2: No why would I? I gotta beat this quest on Oblivion.
Guy 1: You're a cheese girl.
by Eric T February 21, 2007
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Ridiculously Irrational

Another term that originated in Creston, Iowa. (see: nelphie) Something you call your friends when they're being lame and nerdy, and don't want to go out and have fun. Instead of taking a shower and leaving the house, a Cheese Girl will sit around in a wifebeater and boxers all day, playing rpg videogames and watching episodes of Friends on dvd with the shades drawn and lights off at 2 in the afternoon. When they pair up, one Cheese Girl will watch the other play videogames for hours, only stopping to talk about games or go to sleep. If at any time you mention sports, or interacting with public, the Cheese Girl will become defensive and spiteful, calling you stupid for suggesting something so bizarre.

Variants: Cheese Gay, Cheese Face, Cheese Ball, Cheese Nerd, Cheese Whore, ...
Guy 1: Hey man you wanna go to that party tonight?
Guy 2: No why would I? I gotta beat this quest on Oblivion.
Guy 1: You're a cheese girl.
by Eric T February 25, 2007
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