3 definitions by Eric C.

Selfish Use Vehicle
Driven by middle aged women or their pathetic husbands with smaller than average penises.
SUV's poor gas mileage is a big reason we are sending our valuable youth out to fight useless wars which in turn kill innocent Iraqis.
Middle-age woman: Did you see the gas prices today? 2.39!
Me: Yea you dumb bitch, it's simple economics. You consume so much fucking fuel that the prices rise... cunt!
by Eric C. July 20, 2005
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Acronym for...

S: Scientifically
P: Processed
A: Animal
M: Matter


S: Something
P: Posing
A: As
M: Meat
Pass the spam, please!
by Eric C. May 20, 2003
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1. The most intense band in the history of man. Their music (if it can be called that, for it is truly much greater than mere "music") contains a power so great that it can consume one's soul.
I'll mess myself if DragonForce comes to the United States.
by Eric C. August 2, 2003
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