2 definitions by Epsilon1

1. Carlsbad, New Mexico is the small town located in the south-eastern part of the state New Mexico. Known for its caverns and awful smell. Carlsbad also shares its border with the state of Texas, whereby its people adopt the politics of "oil freaks".

It's home to one of the highest percentages of oil and gas workers in the United States, leading to the population to be a high percentage of assholes. Along with leading the nation in rabies you will find a plethora of undesirable things while visiting.

Since the town is in the middle of the desert and already undesirable, Carlsbad is the perfect location to dump hazardous materials. This makes up most of its economy, other than oil, gas and potash.

2. A derogatory term for a small town or city.

3. Anywhere that smells bad, typically smelling of gas odorants.

4. The home of the "DFWT(Dumb Fuck in a White Truck)"
1. "We moved to Carlsbad, New Mexico, but soon couldn't handle the assholes and smell of a gas leak everywhere. Also, I think I lost a few I.Q points!"

2. "This city is a real Carlsbad, eh?"

3. "You got a gas leak or something? It smells like Carlsbad up in here."

4. "I got hit by a DFWT and totaled my Prius."
by Epsilon1 February 1, 2014
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DFWT: (Dumb Fuck in a White Truck)

(Noun) A person driving a large, environmentally unfriendly pickup truck, typically colored white, that drives like a total asshole, or doesn't know how to drive much at all.

Typically found in places where white trucks and oil/gas workers are found, they do tremendous damage to you, but usually drive away if they're able to.

First recorded cases can be traced to Carlsbad, New Mexico where the first DFWT could be seen driving a beat up Chevrolet 1500.
Me: "This fucking DFWT hit me, now I'm fucked because he decided to drive away like nothing fucking happened!"

You:"Ever heard of no-one cares?"
by Epsilon1 February 1, 2014
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