6 definitions by Elyseon

A battleground in World of Warcraft introduced in The Burning Crusade expansion, which is supposed to be a cross between Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, with both objectives that give a flow of points and a flag that can be captured for extra. It was probably supposed to be a faster paced and fun battleground, but more often than not it ends up as a flag humping contest, with people ignoring the objectives and mindlessly running to the flag, which results in bullshit and defest.
*Eye of the Storm match begins* "OK guys, let's get the towers." "THE FLAAAAAAAG!" "NO! First you get the damn towers, then you get the goddamn flag!" "STFU NOOB ME WANT SHINY FLAG!!!!!111" "They've got all four bases you idiot! Now where the fuck are you going to deliver the flag?!" "uh... STFU NOOB U SUCK!!!!! I R TEH IMBAZOR LOL!!!!!!" "Well, we've lost... AGAIN! Thanks a lot fucktards! Seriously, what's with that fucking flag fetish?!"
by Elyseon May 11, 2008
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Arrogant fool. See also tard. Someone with an inflated ego who keeps trying to prove his supposed superiority.
"Booken... shut the fuck up."
by Elyseon May 11, 2008
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A fan of paladins with poor social skills who had the misfortune of wasting his sensitivity in online forums populated by all sorts of jerks and arrogant sods whose sole purpose in life seems to be humiliating others. Can be tempermental when mistreated or slandered, and is prone to fits of burning rage when betrayed by those he trusts, but is loyal to his friends. Is often appalled and disgusted by shallow and vulgar displays and hates the typical alpha male mentality. Can be excessively defensive and expect the worst of people due to bad memories.
I don't envy that guy. He's surrounded by jerks and bullies on all sides. A real Manus Dei pitted against the hordes of Ahr'Peegeecee.
by Elyseon May 10, 2008
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Someone usually in the wrong place surrounded by the wrong people. Someone too sensitive for his own good who by a twist of fate ends up surrounded by jerks. Usually someone educated, an HSP, with refined tastes but lacking social skills. Often misunderstood and rarely appreciated, a bit tempermental and prone to angry outbursts when threatened or harassed.
Too emotional, check. Too sensitive, check. Angry at bullies, check. It's a Manus Dei all right.
by Elyseon May 10, 2008
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A crazy ass guy from Sweden or one of the neighbouring countries who specializes in bizarre videos. He is mostly known on YouTube for his brief stint as the Angry Video Game Fag (see also Angry Video Game Nerd and Might and Magic II, during which he produced a series of game reviews poking fun at the whole game review genre and at some ridiculous quirks of some games.
Ebeeto: "Come on, if my party can't down... can't take down a gang of fucking beggars and cripples... they're just useless. Come on, kill them, it'll be fun!"

Ebeeto: "SOLID!"
by Elyseon May 11, 2008
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An arrogant fascist with an inflated opinion of himself. Usually holds power over a chatroom or internet forum and seems to think that makes him a deity. Feels a constant need to demonstrate his supposed superiority by attempting to belittle and humiliate others. Doesn't really care about anyone but himself, and once someone stops worshipping him he will treat them like he does everyone else.
Goddamn Sinistral! Who the fuck does he think he is?!
by Elyseon May 10, 2008
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