2 definitions by EggsFried

A type of person that has something valuable, but mostly useless in anyway.
Person 1: I can't believe he won fifty hundred bucks in the lotto even though he's just slacking off at work and doing nothing worthwhile.
Person 2: Well then that make's him a Golden garbage, utterly pathetic.
by EggsFried February 6, 2022
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A person with stage 5 cancer and brain damage that still tries to live and play League Of Legends. Usually they are known for feeding, inting, throwing, (Usually leaves/disconnects from the game) and blaming their jungler for not ganking them even their jungler is a lane away. The literal and definite meaning of a useless narcissist.
Player 1: Hey toplaner, pick already.

Player 2: *lock yasuo* dont worry, i'm a Yasuo Main

Player 1: Fuck this imma dodge
by EggsFried February 1, 2022
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