55 definitions by EasternEuropeanSlavLover

The Shit clan is a clan of shit
In Glasgow there lived a man named Jack Shit. He had a sister named Holly Shit, and a brother named Piecea Shit. He married a woman who became known as Giva Shit, and they had children named Dumb Shit, Noe Shit, and Ghost Shit.

The Shit Clan
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover December 21, 2020
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A genderbended version of Yosemite Sam.
Something Samantha would say: I'M GONNA BLOW YOU UP TO SMITHEREENS!!!
*Daffy walks up and says "Sam is that your sister?"
Samantha: I'm a genderbend of this guy. My name is Yosemite Samantha. AM I CLEAR?!
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover November 9, 2018
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Poland's anti gay, anti abortion, antisemetic leader who is basically Orban's bro.
Andrzej Duda
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover March 11, 2021
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Step 1: Say you worship the devil or are the devil.

Step 2: Those cowards will run away screaming.
*Jehovah's Witness knocks on man's door*
Witness: Hello, sir, do you have time to talk about his Holy Grace Lord and Saviour Jesus?
Michael: GET OUT OF HERE OR I WILL CURSE YOU FOR I am SATAN! *starts flailing and rolling on the floor*
* Witness runs away*
Jehovah's Witness repellent
See? Easy.
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover January 28, 2022
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A spoiled bitchy Brazilian person (male or female)
Marta: Do you see that guy Jose? He's so rude and gets everything he wants! He must be a Bratzilian from Bratzil!
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover October 16, 2018
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A mix of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Person 1: Speaks foreign language of gibberish
Person 2: This must be Spataguese...
by EasternEuropeanSlavLover June 11, 2019
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