2 definitions by E bough

A feel-good news story that covers a good deed but often fails to cover or ask what caused that person to said deed.

Named after the countless feel-good stories of school students raising money to pay off lunch debt that don't ask why students need to worry about being able to afford food.
"Jimmy here has raised $20,000 to keep 30 live puppies from being vaporized by the Puppy-Incenerator 5000. Next up, we have yet another heart-warming lunch debt story."
by E bough February 2, 2023
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An overpriced, massive, and gaudy pickup truck that is most often never used for any actual work by it's owner.
Dave: "Yeah, I just recently bought this Ford F-450 Platinum Mega-Hyper Deluxe Freedom Cheeseburger Edition for only $79,999.99 and got a 15-inch lift kit with some sick rims."
Jim: "That's a very nice cowboy costume Dave."
by E bough January 22, 2023
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