2 definitions by Droobiedoo

A rating on the type A personality scale which ranges from Asshole to Douchbag.
John is an asshole but he gets things done. Dave on the other hand is a total Douchebag; he'll fuck you over in a heartbeat just to look good to the boss.
by Droobiedoo July 5, 2015
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1) Linseed oil, used for treating the decorative wooden lady figurine on the bow of wood hulled sailing ships.

2) Slang term for female wetness, the slick moistened fluid from the vagina when girls get excited.

3) Pussy juice, incorrectly defined as "maiden oil".
I hooked up with a chick the other night and she was dry as a bone, not a dop a maidenhead oil to be found.
by Droobiedoo July 5, 2015
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