5 definitions by Dronenpilot

When someone smokes too much dank and there high af
Me and my bro lit a fat J yesterday we both got so shmonked, we couldn't even remember where we were.
by Dronenpilot July 29, 2018
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Basically means if you do good for someone that they should be grateful for and they backstab you.
I just bought you a brand new laptop and you try to steal my wallet? That's gratitude for ya.
by Dronenpilot July 23, 2022
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A common term for fisherman were there's not only A lot of fish but there hungry and biting aswell
Yo John I'm getting bites left and right we must of found the honey hole just now.
by Dronenpilot August 17, 2018
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When you cringe so hard that your face turns red and your blushing. Most of the time the only remedy is to look away or get out of that situation.
Yesterday I was walking down the street I saw my friend standing there in the middle of the street and he started singing it was so bad I cringe-blushed in embarrassment.
by Dronenpilot July 31, 2018
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A common phrase used by comedian Tony Baker. When something completely out of the odinary or strange happens
What in the habidasheries and hemoglobin is going on here?!
by Dronenpilot February 28, 2019
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