6 definitions by Dramqueen

When multiple people will not stop petting or stroking you maybe your wearing a sweater with an interesting texture or maybe not maybe you have a cool fluffy hair style or one with tight curls but whatever the reason it's like a petting zoo with people that's gone to far
Oh my god stop touching me the Grope Zoo is closed
by Dramqueen July 25, 2017
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Some Kid named Todd: did you hear that amazing speech Mr. Probablyavirgin gave today?
Some Other kid named Jerry: yeah but was more up a pep yell though than a speech
by Dramqueen December 29, 2017
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When a percussionist is tapping non stop 24 forkin 7 and it never stops and it sounds like the rains of hell
Hey you are such a chronic tapper stop forkin tapping.
by Dramqueen November 5, 2017
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Sticks and stones break bones but faces break mirrors
by Dramqueen August 30, 2018
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