5 definitions by DragoonFromBDO

Trying to game the system and losing money on stocks or crypto
"This is like an infinite money glitch in real life"
That's Dunphynomics!
by DragoonFromBDO February 2, 2021
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The art of buying a stock at a high price in hope of flipping a quick profit, then being surprised when making massive losses.
Ryder: "I bought gamestop shares at $90"
Ryder(2 hours later): "SHIT it's worth $60"
That's rydernomics for you, should have listened!
by DragoonFromBDO February 6, 2021
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The art of purchasing an asset in hopes of making large gains, then losing said asset and being worse off than where you started.
Ryder: "I purchased a Belt and I will be making 200 Million off this deal"
Ryder(2 minutes later): "It's gone"
Goon: "That's that Rydernomics for you!"
by DragoonFromBDO February 6, 2021
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The art of purchasing a stock or crypto at a downward spiral while it is high then selling when it gets even lower.
Melvin: I bought 200 DogeCoin at 6 cents a coin
Melvin(2 hours later): I sold all my DogeCoin now at 3 cents a coin and lost $4
EtherChad: That's Melvinomics baby!
by DragoonFromBDO February 2, 2021
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Buying high, selling low
Melvin: "It not about what you hate, it's about what you know"
Andrew: "That's Melvinomics you tard"
by DragoonFromBDO February 2, 2021
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