2 definitions by Dope football

Pierce is a cute guy who can be chill...But if you get him mad you have to run.Pierce is chill and plays football and has a friend that will be there forever..If you get him don't let go.
Me:pierce is girl and is cute
Pierces friend:yeah don't lose him EVER!!
by Dope football March 9, 2017
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Gaby someone who is very nice and will stay by you when you need them.Plays football and is a jock that is very hot.He keeps a lot of stuff inside but will tell it to his best friend in the world.Very sweet and will give you a box of chocolates on a date.A Gaby looks like or seems like a bitch but is very sweet on the inside.If you get one DONT LET THEM GO!
Girl:Did you see that guy over there
Other girl:Yeah his name is Gaby he is very sweet and hot
Girl:We all know that
by Dope football March 7, 2017
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