52 definitions by Doctor WTF

Didn't care for it.
Brenda: Hey have you seen that new movie?
Carla: I did but DCFI!
by Doctor WTF April 11, 2022
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The belief or ideology that putting people under mind control will make them obedient to the government and the system.
The rise of the thrallism of the 2010s almost happened.
by Doctor WTF October 16, 2021
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The core ideology of cancel culture is when people believe "canceling" or silencing other people because of their opinions is just.
The belief in cancellationism is perpetrated by the left-wing fascists!
by Doctor WTF March 11, 2022
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Freeloading unemployed grumbler, a person who refuses to find employment and complains about being jobless.
A flug is a crybaby who does not contribute anything to society.
by Doctor WTF April 14, 2022
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Inclined to eat human flesh, especially something or somebody that kills and kills humans for food.
This creature was a man-eating menace.
by Doctor WTF November 15, 2022
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A journalistic method that is characterized by reporting information with excessive sensationalism.
The rise of infosationalism is causing this country to believe anything they hear on the news.
by Doctor WTF October 17, 2021
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