2 definitions by Doc_Holliday

Sara is a wonder to behold, a radiant force of nature with effortless beauty that will grab hold and awaken you to this miraculous life. Earth herself delights at the wild, that dwells in Sara. You’ll find Sara at home in a humble cabin deep in the woods at the mountain's doorstep. It’s well stocked larder and more than enough split and stacked wood to warm and carry herself and kin through winter. For her loved ones there is nothing she won't do to support and protect them. Warning: Do not mess with her people, Sara will straight cut you down. Should you be fortunate enough to have earned her trust and affection, guard and protect this with your whole being, it is beyond all the gold and silver in the world. With Sara, you are free to bare your soul without judgment, and at once be honest with yourself.
Defend her, protect her, fight for her, for Sara will got to war for you. Before you realize the danger you're in, Sara will charge into battle raining hellfire on those who wish your ruin. They don't stand a chance.

Sara is also hilarious! She is funnier than you or anyone you know. You will laugh at things you didn’t even know could be funny. There is nothing off limits and you’ll want more. Should she reach for your hand, take it and know your life has just begun.
- Who's that girl that often mods words with the suffix "turd" or "Poo"?

- you mean like Turdmongler and Poo-pocalypse? That would be Sara, She's dope AF.
by Doc_Holliday February 14, 2023
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If Jack Sparrow and Paul Bunyan had a lovechild, and that lovechild grew to be a stunner, who then caught the attention of Thor Odinson. Their offspring would be an axe wielding, swashbuckling mind-melting bombshell and her name is Sara. When Sara arrives at port she will often be accompanied by various rodents and foul of ill repute. She gives them names like “Space Queen of the Turd-buffet” and “Colonel Sharting Greased Cheeks” Sara will drink all your whiskey and best the towns strongest men feats of strength. She’ll spin a yarn and lay a blue streak like nothing you’ve ever heard. You may die from fits laughter. Men will ogle as she swings her axe with power and beauty, razing a stand of pine and oaks with ease. Be glad you’re a friend, for she lays waste to her foes with the thunder of her steel and swing of her axe. Should you find yourself on the wrong side of a dual with Sara your only hope is to quickly enter a roundabout intersection. These have disorienting effect on her, circles hurt her brain. Hurling Fermented cucumbers at her will also buy you some time to escape. It makes no sense but these delectables will drive into a frothy madness. Tales and song are written about Sara and if you are lucky enough a verse or two will include you.
Farmer 1 - I hear Sara came to town and is raising all sorts of hell.

Farmer 2 - We should butcher your ..
Farmer 1 - Shut the Eff up Jackhole we should carve a 10' statue in her likeness from all that butter you horde. I'm mean what the actual F#$K Carl.
by Doc_Holliday February 14, 2023
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