5 definitions by DizzieRiot

WTF..? Are you stupid? What else is it supposed to mean?

1. Stupendous, spectacular, and terrific.

STUPENDous, spectaCULAR, terRIFIC.

2.beautiful; but better.
Oh my god did you see Tara today? She looks stupendicularific !!
by DizzieRiot December 10, 2021
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Hot punk rock hippie with a gypsy grunge style. She has been known to fuck rainbows and dragons.
Dizzie Riot is one hot slut
by DizzieRiot January 15, 2019
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No-show Mo-Fo (nō shoh 'mæu.fæu)


Definition: slang / meaning/ Flake.

Someone who flakes; does not show up to where they are supossed to be.

2. A person who said that he/she would be at 'this' place, at 'this' time, and fails to show up.
Guy1: "dude, Nate is such a flake! He didn't show up for the races yesterday."

Guy2: "No way! Let's duct tape that no-show mo-fo to the pole at the high school tonight."
by DizzieRiot November 13, 2014
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For those interested, auto erotic touching is a safer option compared to the other, more exciting and stimulating way. The most common manner of AET would be for the scared weaklings out there is to only fantasize about suffocation while masterbating and sensuslly caressing their own body, (because the risk of death and brain damage from auto-erotic asphyxiation) rather than trying to walk the fine line between heightened sensation and serious brain impairment. Depending on how long the brain and body are deprived of oxygen, brain damage could occur even if death does not. Both men and women can participate in this activity.
Clint woke up in the middle of the night, cold and alone, got himself off and back to sleep by auto-erotic touching himself.
by DizzieRiot April 18, 2014
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Sugarfoot is a term for a sweetheart. A kind soul, who is a solid female friend and always has your back. When apart (in prison, across states/countries, down the street) she is the one you think of and its good feelings all over. You know, the kind that are all warm and fuzzy.
Also, the kind of girl that will put money on your books and/or send you care packages to show you she cares and you are not forgotten.
"I got a letter and a package from my sugarfoot today. That girl deserves the world, she's such anangel"
by DizzieRiot September 21, 2016
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