10 definitions by Dillon Boyer

When you take a shit so windy and violent you scatter ass-mud all over the back of the toilet.

Splatter-craps are also known to propel people off their porclean thrones.

Splatter-crap is usually induced by Mazzio's pizza.
"Dude, last night i took a splatter-crap, sorry i wiped my ass with your dog."
by Dillon Boyer March 12, 2008
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a stupid guy that acts like a little shit and sometimes he pops his collar which makes him a douche' bag.
That guy is a cacass for doing that to that poor 5 year old girl.
by Dillon Boyer March 4, 2008
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A.K.A. The big B.

When a Brazilian hooker (you know, looks female, has a dick)takes a dump on his-her client's dick and runs with his money.
"WTF, that he-bitch-motherfucker gave me the brazillian butt bomb!?"
by Dillon Boyer March 12, 2008
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A llama that likes to look weird and jump around,
usually associated with the term WTF.
The booger llama is a slimy green mother fucker.

by Dillon Boyer March 12, 2008
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1.The ROFL copter shoots a LOL bomb or a WTF missle at the LMAO planes below. The ROFL COPTER goes soi soi soi.

2. The act of spinning and shooting crazily. You can only call it a ROFL COPTER if you get a kill by using it. If you get a head shot while using said ROFL COPTER you get l33t points.

3. The act of (R)olling (O)n (T)he floor (L)aughing.
In Halo 3 i was using the ROFL COPTER and i shot a n00b in the head.

The other day i was ROFL COPTERing and i slapped Maira in the face, it was so l33t... she cried like a little baby bitch.
by Dillon Boyer April 25, 2008
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Synonomous with Bad Ass Mother Fucker, see BAMF.

Came up with the definition for Chocahol, nice going, asshole, you scarred my kids for life.
"Horse Nipple can eat a brick if it's made by Frito Lay."
by Dillon Boyer March 12, 2008
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