10 definitions by Dillon Boyer

you stick 2g of weed into a large womans vagina.
and you wait 2 days and then you take the weed out, and smoke it... like tyler ritter does.
Tyler Ritter made some vagina weed with rose o' donnel.
by Dillon Boyer March 12, 2008
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When you go to sneeze then you fart
when your in class you sneeze and you fart then everyone makes fun of you. then someone says you unomicrohypercanacatakalysm'ed didnt you?
by Dillon Boyer April 25, 2008
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This word can take the place of ANY word. Furthermore, it can be every word in a sentence, and still make sense...slightly.

Also refers to a person who doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about.
"Feegiewazzum...feegiewazzum Martha Stewart feegie-fucking-wazzum!"
by Dillon Boyer March 12, 2008
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