6 definitions by Dill DOUGH

When someone steps in human shit with a bare foot.
Todd could tell from the moment it squished between his toes that he had just donned a fresh pair of Angolan sandels.
by Dill DOUGH July 7, 2019
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When you shit and piss into a blender.
Richard was fed up with his bosses colorful comments so he made a Texas tornado atop his desk before walking out for good this time.
by Dill DOUGH July 7, 2019
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When your patty is in a steam roller connected to a gas mask used for smoking doob and you simultaneously fellate yourself (See "autofellatio}") and take a nice big toke.
"Hey, Bob, believe you me: when ya dicksmoke, beware the moneyshot. Not a good taste with tha weed"
by Dill DOUGH February 18, 2004
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When someone shits into a box fan.
Everyone got tired of playing twister so they broke out the amish windmill.
by Dill DOUGH July 7, 2019
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-proper N. A man with a chub.

-N. A penis whose girth is twice the number of centimenters than it's length.
--See also, "patty"

-V. To abscond with, often for the purpose of feeding one's fat ass.
Sue: So, betty, was donald any good?
Betty: No, he was a chub tub.
Sue: What's that?
Betty: It's when the cock looks like a half black, half asian. To make it worse, he chubbed my panties and half of my fridge
by Dill DOUGH February 16, 2004
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