92 definitions by DianaLuciusDeCollis

A metaphysical dimension, (which can be simulated or spiritual).
'A metaverse is a metaphysical dimension, such as an alternate reality, spiritual realm, dimension where fiction is reality or simulated matrix powered by a super-computer.'

(Note: A metaverse isn't to be confused with a universe. Please read my definition of universe for more information).
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 5, 2022
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A blackhole so large that it can swallow the entire universe.
'The universe grew so cold that all the stars faded into blackholes, merged and eventually grew into one so massive that it became a universal apocalypse blackhole, which swallowed the entire universe.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022
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The science of the metaphysical. How the gods scientifically exist, scientifically created so called 'magic', how their 'magic' isn't really magic but science that is beyond humanity's current capacity to comprehend and how the gods use science to control the laws of nature (science).

(Please study the Kardashev Scale Theory to understand how all this could be possible).
(e.g. 1: 'Some say that the gods were extraterrestrials who looked the same as the humans, were so technologically advanced that they scientifically became immortal conscious simulations living in their own matrix (powered by the stars/a super-computer), control the laws of nature and hack into other's minds to appear to them').

Note: The science of metaphysics is like the most difficult maths equation in the universe. Metaphysics is so complex that it's currently something only the gods and their divine children can understand.
by DianaLuciusDeCollis August 25, 2022
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The sum of all the superclusters together, in space.
'The largest cosmic body in space is the multi-supercluster: All the superclusters together & it's also like the physical multiverse.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 12, 2022
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An evil spirit, which harms innocent people for their entertainment/selfish desires &/or who brainwashes others into doing such evil.

(Notes: A demon isn't to be confused with a daemon, which is a usually a benign Greek/Roman divinity, according to mythology.

Demons are formless, nameless and have no divine status. They can come in the form of conscious destructive elements, such as fire, black winds, black holes, dark clouds, tornadoes and hurricanes, which speak.

They continously whisper curses, temptations and words of hatred, (ie. 'You're worthless, etc.). They have the power to make you hallucinate terrorfying hallucinations.

They work for the evil omnipresent conscious darkness, which speaks, Satan).
'A demon isn't divine (god-like), but monstrous, and the lowest thing in existence-Even all the gods send their demigod warriors to slay these wretched beasts.'

(Please read my definition of evil and daemon for more information).
by DianaLuciusDeCollis August 12, 2022
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A culture that only exists in the spirit realm or another dimension, but not necessarily in the mortal world.
'Before the Greek gods called themselves Olympians, in ancient Greek times, they called themselves Etherians, because they were so ethereal and descended from the upper-air, Aether. Etherian was a spirit culture, because it didn't exist in the mortal world, but only in the gods' realm.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis September 12, 2022
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1. Mesmorising, amusing, awesome &/or inspirational like a mer-muse.

2. A word which mer-muses use to describe something or someone that's mesmorising, amusing, awesome &/or inspirational.

3. Admiring something or someone with awe or amusement, (esp. related to merpeople).

4. Being inspired by something or someone, (esp. related to merpeople).
A mer-muse heard a mermaid sing a song so beautifully, in a movie and exclaimed in a dreamy manner, 'How mermusing!'

(Please read my definition of a mer-muse for more information).
by DianaLuciusDeCollis August 16, 2022
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